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Showing posts from April, 2021

Getting Started With Google Puppeteer

Hello Everyone!. I am called Godwill from Today, we are going to talk about Google puppeteer. Have you ever heard about it?. If this is your first time, then welcome to the mind-blowing features of Puppeteer. Puppeteer is really an amazing tool. What is it all about? According to the developers of Puppeteer, it is a “Puppeteer is a Node library which provides a high-level API to control headless Chrome or Chromium”. This basically means anything that can be done with a normal browser can be done with Google puppeteer. Headless meaning, you won’t actually see a chrome window opening, but things happen at the background. Isn’t it awesome! ☺ You might be wondering, what exactly can this puppeteer do? Well, as mentioned earlier, think of the things you normally do in a browser like; Submitting forms Typing Checking a website’s mobile view via dev tools Opening websites Generate screenshots, PDF and much more... And guess what!, Puppeteer can do all this heedlessly (without op...

How To Send An Email In Node JS

Hello everyone!, In this tutorial, we will discuss how to send emails in a node JS/Express application. If you are new here, I recommend you check out our recent posts and YouTube channel for more coding videos and content. Sending emails is a very important feature or utility in modern web applications and should be known by every developer, regardless of his programming language or framework. Emails could be sent to confirm a user’s registration on a website, confirm payment, notify administrator on new users or important updates, for communication purposes and much more. You can how useful it is nowadays!. In this tutorial, we will use Express and nodemailer to send emails. Nodemailer is a node third party module used in sending emails from Node JS apps. Nodemailer has been around for some time now and has really been the best option for many Node JS developers. Let’s write some code to send a simple email. NB: Make ensure you have Node JS and Express installed. To begin, we must in...