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Hi. Welcome to and today, we are going to begin a brand-new series or framework which is called React JS. I believe you must have heard of it one time or another due it’s high need in developer job offers. Learning React JS is very important nowadays as it meets the need of modern technology.

Some developers call React JS a framework because it is really similar to front-end frameworks like Vue JS...

But according to React’s official website, they call it a library. React JS is a library for building front-end UI.

-    React JS was created by Facebook

-    It is used to develop SPA (single page applications) where it changes only what needs to be changed without full page reloading.

-    React JS is the best fit for the view layer of the MVC (model view controller) architectural model.

-    For example, React JS is a standard for MERN Stack (Mongo Express React and Node)

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to set-up and install React JS, then write a “hello world” in React JS.

Take note, this is just the beginning of the series on React JS, so stay tunned to more coding articles on React JS, both on our website and YouTube Channel.


According to official documentation, there are 2 major ways to get started with React JS, which is either by including it in your website via CDNs or by using the create-react-app method.

Developers usually begin working on React JS from the create-react-app installation which is easier and has lot more additional features.

We are going to install React JS in this tutorial with the create-react-app method.

To install React JS using this method, you must have node JS installed in your local machine since this method allows developers have a React development server offline in their local machine.

You can download and install node JS from their official website.

Then open the command line in your project directory and run the command:

npx create-react-app <name of your app>

for example: npx create-react-app myapp where myapp is the name of your app which will be created in a folder.

Make sure you have a working internet connection for this to be effective as it can’t be successful offline.


Wait for a while as the file installs a boiler-plate, then navigate to the directory and hit npm start to run.


It might open a tab in your browser on local host 3000, else just do it manually after receiving confirmation from your cmd as seen above.


And there you go, Installation Successful.

You can now open the folder and view the files available.


In the src folder, you will see an App.JS file which contains the line of code responsible for what you presently see now in the body of your webpage.
Change that to hello world by adding an h1 tag under the anchor tag.




Happy Coding.


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