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Mobile device emulation using Node JS and puppeteer

Mobile device emulation using Node JS and puppeteer

 Hi. Welcome to where we teach and train on coding/development. If this is your first time visiting our website, I recommend you checkout our youtube channel and facebook group to get more from us.

In this tutorial, we will discuss how to get a mobile device view of a website without actually using a mobile phone. We will achieve this using a node JS library developed by Google called Puppeteer. If this is your first-time hearing about puppeteer, I recommend you check out our article on how to get started with puppeteer.

Mobile device emulation is a very necessary task especially for web developers because a good look of a web page on mobile is very important. Apart from that, there are also many reasons why a developer would want to perform mobile device emulation.

NB: Ensure you have Node JS and puppeteer installed in your local machine.

As written on their official website, puppeteer is “headless chrome”, meaning it performs everything a normal browser does but except for the fact that, you don’t see it opening up and been done by a user.

So in mobile device emulation, puppeteer actually open up a website in a mobile browser just like a user will actually pick up his/her mobile phone, press chrome and navigate to a website.

We are going to write a short code where after opening the site in a mobile browser, puppeteer will take a screenshot and save in our local machine as proof.

Isn’t it awesome guys!!!

So developers can rather just run a script in few seconds and see how a website looks on mobile rather than picking up a mobile phone itself to do that.
Also, puppeteer provides features to get the mobile view from different types of mobile phones via its configuration. It can be configured to set a specific screen size, phone and much more.

Below is an example of opening a website on iPhone 6 and logs the page title on the console. The comments in the code explain the different lines.


const puppeteer = require('puppeteer')

const iPhone = puppeteer.devices['iPhone 6']; // set device type

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch() //launch browser
  const page = await browser.newPage() //new page/tab
  await page.emulate(iPhone) //emulate device
  await page.goto('') //navigate to url
  await page.screenshot({
    path: './uploads/image.png', // set path and name of screenshot
    fullPage: false
  console.log(await page.title()) //log title of page
  await browser.close() //close browser

Run script and check uploads folder in your project directory.

Mobile device emulation using Node JS and puppeteer

Mobile device emulation using Node JS and puppeteer

Thanks for reading!


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